We advise on negotiation of co-generation plant projects, privatization of thermal energy, energy sales agreements, creation of the Power Exchange (OPCOM) and related trading platform, carbon emissions and green certificates trading, wind farm, and photovoltaic projects.
We advised:
- an Austrian investment fund re acquisition of a photovoltaic project;
- the commodities trading subsidiary of the leading German bank re issuance of electricity trading license, registration with the various segments of the electricity market, issuance of comfort letter regarding issuance of the electricity trading license, issuance of bank letter of guarantee regarding the registration as balancing responsible party with the transmission system operator, and regulatory issues;
- the leading European renewable energy company re electricity trading, renewal of the electricity trading license of the Romanian subsidiary, Power Purchase Agreement, Services Supply Agreement regarding market access services in relation to the centralized Day-Ahead Market of the Romanian power exchange OPCOM, Hedging Agreement re securing obligations under services supply agreement, Reimbursement Agreement re reimbursements under the Hedging Agreement, green certificates, carbon emissions, and regulatory issues;
- the marketing and trading subsidiary of the leading oil and gas Russian company re issuance of an electricity trading license, registration with the various segments of the electricity market, compliance with reporting requirements, carbon emissions trading, and regulatory issues;
- a the commodities trading subsidiary of a leading UK bank re issuance of an electricity trading license, electricity trading;
- a major US multinational financial services corporation re issuance of an electricity trading license, registration with various segments of the electricity trading market, electricity and gas trading;
- an Italian company producer of electricity from renewable sources regarding title and permits for the development of a wind power farm;
- the commodities subsidiary of a global investment bank re issuance of electricity trading license, registration with the various segments of the electricity market, compliance with reporting requirements, trading matters, various regulatory issues, and assist with quarterly due diligence on electricity trading legislation;
- a Norwegian management and consulting energy company re commodities derivatives market and clearing transactions – the project was financed by a grant from the International Monetary Fund to set up the Power Exchange (OPCOM) and related trading platform;
- Czech electricity conglomerate re drafting of electricity trading contracts, assignment of energy trading contracts, and bidding for joint venturing with two Romanian state-owned electricity companies for the construction of thermal power plants;
- an Italian investment fund re a project regarding the retrofit and fuel switch of a local electricity plant from fossil coal fuel to biomass firing;
- Spanish investors re review of the regulatory framework regarding wind farm operations, due diligence of local wind farm company;
- an Austrian energy company re privatization of the thermal energy sector of the City of Targu – Mures;
- a consortium of a Swedish company, and a leading US oil company re a BOT co-generation plant project, energy sales agreement with the City of Bucharest, and related municipal guarantees.